What Are The Benefits Of 5D Ultrasound Scanning During Pregnancy? — Early Gender Scan & 5D/4D/3D Baby Ultrasound Melbourne

Amazing Scan
2 min readFeb 18, 2019


18 Février 2019

Rédigé par Amazing Scan et publié depuis Overblog


A common practice which is followed almost by all parents-to-be during pregnancy is Ultrasound scan. This ultrasound scan helps parents to check their baby’s progress of organ development when it is in mother’s womb. Now this technology has evolved to give a sense of seeing your baby in real through the latest 5D ultrasound technology.

Evolution of 5D Ultrasound:

The traditional ultrasound is a 2D ultrasound which just produces a black and white picture. The 3D ultrasound technology came into existence which is an integration of the 3 dimensional pictures into one picture. Then the 4D Ultrasound came into existence which is 3D technology with motion. In 4D ultrasound the movements, facial expression of the baby can be captured.

Though the movements and actions of the baby can be captured in 4D ultrasound, this new fascinating 5D ultrasound technology will help parents and families to find it more realistic because of its vivid color and clarity with movements. This can be saved as pictures and videos and shared among friends and family to share your joy.

Need for 5D Ultrasound:

5D Ultrasound baby scan can be used

  • To confirm the pregnancy in early
  • To check the gender
  • To check the progress of baby’s growth
  • To check baby’s position
  • To check the organ development

The preferable time for taking pregnancy scan Melbourne is during the 24–32 weeks of pregnancy to get a best experience of seeing your baby through a technology with ultimate reality.

This pregnancy ultrasound Melbourne is performed by the Sonographers, the specialised professionals who have undergone extensive training on the ultrasound technologies. The healthcare centers which provides 5D Ultrasound scan should ensure that it has a trained and certified sonographers to perform this 5D baby scan.

Be the one among many parents who use this 5D early gender scan to cherish and enjoy their baby’s motion and make it a memorable experience.

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Originally published at ultrasoundmelbourne.over-blog.com.



Amazing Scan
Amazing Scan

Written by Amazing Scan


Amazing Scan is the first and the only provider of 3D, 4D & 5D ultrasound scan in Melbourne. https://www.amazingscan.com.au/

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